In the studies of soft nanometarial powder application in lubricant compositions, we have used electroexplosive nanomaterial powders of copper, zinc, and brass (alloy LS 59-1L, containing 57-60% of weight of Cu; 0.8-0.9% of weight of Pb, the rest is zinc).

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Zinc Oxide Nanoparticles High Purity Lowest Price

ZINC OXIDE (ZnO) NANOPARTICLES Nanotechnology research has gained momentum in the recent years by providing innovative solutions in the field of biomedical, materials science, optics and electronics. Alloy Nanopowders High Purity Lowest Price Supplier ALLOY NANOPOWDERS Alloy Nanopowders: In materials science, the range of properties of metallic systems can be greatly extended by taking mixtures

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